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Biochemica® Hemp Butter

INCI Name: Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil, Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil
Product Code: HSB1
CAS #: 89958-21-4, 68334-28-1
EINECS: 289-644-3, 269-820-6
Brand: Biochemica®

Biochemica® Hemp Butter is produced from the oil of expeller pressed seeds of the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa). Hemp seed oil is valued for its use in cosmetics and toiletries due to its high content of essential fatty acids, which helps the action of the hydrolipidic coat, thereby reduc­ing transepidermal water loss (TEWL). Biochemica® Hemp Butter is produced using the fatty fractions and unsaponifiables (natural waxes/paraffins) collected during the refining process, which are blended with hydrogenated vegetable oil to produce a butter-like material suitable for use in cosmetics and toiletries. Hemp seed oil possesses one of the highest polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) contents of all the natural oils. It provides the four essential fatty acids beneficial to the skin: linoleic acid (LA, 18:2ω6), α(alpha)-linolenic acid (LNA, 18:3ω3), γ(gamma)-linolenic acid (GLA, 18:3ω6) and Stearidonic Acid (SDA).

Biochemica® Hemp Butter may be used in body care, soaps, facial creams, lotions and sunscreens to impart moisture, particularly for dry, damaged skin. Hemp seed oil is one of the “driest” natural oils which is absorbed quickly into the skin, and hence the butter produced from it also exhibits a relatively dry feel. It provides excellent lubricity without being greasy.

Features & Benefits:

  • RSPO Mass Balance Certified
  • Anti-oxidant
  • Dermal Moisture Content Balancing
  • Emollient
  • Hair Conditioning Agent
  • Moisturizing Agent
  • Natural Product
  • Plant Derived / Vegetal Based
  • Skin Protectant (anti-radical properties)
Appearance Yellow-green butter (fat)
Iodine Value (gI2/100g) 100 - 120
Melting Point (°C) 40 - 52
Odor Characteristic vegetable
Saponification Value (mg KOH/g) 175 - 200
Insoluble In
  • Water
Soluble In
  • Cosmetic Esters
  • Vegetable Oil
  • Pail - 25kgs

Regional Approvals:

  • EU
  • US


  • Bar Soaps
  • Deodorants
  • Shampoos

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The Hallstar Company - 120 South Riverside Plaza Suite 1620 - Chicago, IL 60606-3911 USA