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HallStar® PEG 400 DS MB

INCI Name: PEG-8 Distearate
Product Code: H005
CAS #: 9005-08-7
EINECS: Polymer exempt
Brand: HallStar®

HallStar® PEG 400 DS MB is a vegetable-derived ester made from the reaction of triple-pressed grade stearic acid and polyethylene glycol for defined composition. It is used as an emulsifier (HLB 8.5), emollient, opacifying agent and/or conditioning agent in various products, with typical use level between 2 and 6%. It is commonly used in underarm antiperspirant-deodorant stick products to aid product removal from skin when showering or bathing and from clothes when laundered.

All its components are listed in the following countries (registration numbers for the active ingredients in parentheses): United States (TSCA 9005-08-7), Europe (EINECS polymer exemption), Japan (ENCS 7-88), Canada (DSL 9005-08-7), Australia (AICS 9005-08-7), Philippines (PICCS 9005-08-7), China (ECSC 9005-08-7) and Korea (ECL KE-27621).


Features & Benefits:

  • Emollient
  • Emulsifying Agent (O/W)
  • Opacifier
  • Plant Derived / Vegetal Based
Appearance (25°C) White to off-white solid
Odor Typical, mild waxy
Type Nonionic
Color (Gardner) 2
Melting Point (°C) 36
Acid Value (mg KOH/g) 5
Flash Point (°C) 260 (COC)
HLB 8.5
Iodine Value (gI2/100g) 0.3
Saponification Value (mg KOH/g) 120
Density (g/cc) 0.939 (65°C)
RVOC, U.S. EPA (%) 0
Soluble In
  • Isopropyl Alcohol
  • Mineral Oil
  • Vegetable Oil
  • Water (dispersible)
Toxicology Profile
  • Ocular / Eye Irritation: None
  • Skin Irritation: Mild
  • CIR Expert Panel: CIR Expert Panel: Safe at up to 7% when formulated to be nonirritating
  • JACT/IJT Reference(s): IJT 19(S1):51-59, 1999; with final report (03/2015) available from CIR
  • Drum - 450lbs

Regional Approvals:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • China
  • EU
  • Japan
  • Korea
  • New Zealand
  • Philippines
  • Taiwan
  • US


  • Antiperspirants
  • Deodorants
  • Shampoos


Scroll right to view specs →
Name Regional Acceptance  Formula Number
Ultra Dry Antiperspirant Deodorant StickJZ2-96

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The information presented herein is believed to be accurate and reliable, but no warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, is made regarding the information or the performance of any product. Further, nothing contained herein shall be taken as any inducement or recommendation to use, manufacture or sell that may infringe any patents or any other proprietary rights now or hereafter in existence, nor to imply compliance with any regulatory requirements

The Hallstar Company - 120 South Riverside Plaza Suite 1620 - Chicago, IL 60606-3911 USA